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52d Congress, ) HOUSE OF EEPRESENTATIVES. ( Mis. Doc.
1st /Session. \ ^^ ( No. 22.
No. 71
No. 71
Letter of transmittal 7
I. Paleozoic fossils 9
Myriapoda 9
Araclinida 18
Paleeodictyoptera 30
The orthopteroid series 30
The neuropteroid series 70
The hemipteroid series 92
The coleopteroid series 96
Others 98
II. Mesozoic fossils 98
Myriapoda - 98
Arachnida 99
Eexapoda 100
Orthoptera 101
Neuroptera 130
Hemiptera 165
Coleoptera 177
Diptera 221
Lepidoptera 227
Hymenoptera 228
Tracks and foot-prints 233
III. Cenozoic fossils 237
Myriapoda 237
Arachnida 244
Hexapoda 301
Orthoptera 301
Nenroptera 318
Hemiptera.. 380
Coleoptera 450
Diptera 595
Lepidoptera 671
Hymenoptera 682
Index of genera 735
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Geological Survey, Cambridge, Mass., July 7, 1890.
Sir : With the view of furthering study in the too neglected field of fossil insects, I transmit herewith for publication the card catalogue of described fossil insects which I have used for twenty years and kept constantly up to date, and which has greatly facilitated my own re- searches. It is believed to be iiractically complete. At least where insects are figured, and in many other cases where they are the first or only references from a given locality, entries are given where only the genus, the family, or even the order is mentioned. This has been done because the early literature of fossil insects is essentially vague and general, but it should not for that reason be wholly overlooked ; and to-day our knowledge of the occurrence of insects of a particular locality, even when of recent discovery, is not infrequently confined to statements of a general nature, which, if not brought to view or mind in a list like this, would be lost sight of, while their recognition may lead to further local investigation, to the earlier benefit of science.
It is in no sense a systematic catalogue, and except occasionally in the notes contains no immediate results of investigation, '^o questions of synonymy are settled. The entries are made as the authors quoted gave them, with only the corrections of spelling required; it follows that the same insect appears at several points, to which the student is referred by full cross-references, and that more than one insect may (though probably rarely does) figure under one name. In one or two such instances, where the same name has been given by inadvertence to two totally different creatures, the later one is separated from the earlier.
For convenience' sake, the entries are grouped into large sections, nearly identical with those I have employed in my systematic review of fossil insects (Bulletin 31, U. S. Geological Survey), by which method the insects from the Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary rocks are kept distinct ; but otherwise the entries are purely alphabetical under the orders. It should be noticed, however, that the vague references to groups higher than genera are brought together at the beginning oi each alphabet, first the most vague, and then those which permit some alphabetization. In these cases the primary or secondary alphabet-
ization is first by authors, secoud by dates, and in all cases where under one entry there is more than one date the order therein is chrono- logical.
In a previous bulletin (Bulletin 69, U. S. Geological Survey) is given a complete bibliography of the literature from which these entries arc taken, and the two works are thus complementary to each other. I am, very truly, yours,
Samuel H. Scuddeb. Hon. J. W. Powell,
Director United States Geological Survey.
By Samuel Hubbard Scudder.
1882. |
Scudder. |
1885. |
11 |
1886. |
ii |
1886. 1890. |
1. Acantherpestes brodiei. (Euphoberidse.) Locality: Coalbrookdale, England. Horizon: Carboniferous. Mem. Bost. soc. nat. hist., iii: 156-157. PI, 11, fig. 5. Zittel, Handb. palaeont., i, th. ii: 729. Zittel-Barrois, Traite de pal^ont., ii : 728. Bull. U. S. geol. surr., No. 31 : 16. Fobs. ins. N. A., 1: 208-209. PI. 8, fig. 5. See also Euphoberia ferox, Eurypterus ferox.
2. Acantherpestes inequalis. (Euphoberid®.) Locality : Mazon Creek, 111. Horizon : Carboniferous. 1890. Scudder. Mem. Bost. soc. nat. hist., iv : 424-425. PI. 33, figs. 2, 4.
1890. " Foss. ins. N. A., i: 400-401. PI. 25, fig ». 2, 4.
3. Acantherpestes major. (Euphoberidse.) Locality: Mazon Creek, 111. Horizon: Carboniferous. 1868. Meek-Worth. Geol. surv. 111., iii: 559 (hypothetical).
1882. Scudder. Mem. Bost. soc. nat. hist., iii: 150-156. PL 10, 11,^<7«. 1-4, 6-8,
10, 11; fig. 5oni?. 151.
1883. Lacoe. List pal. foss. ins., 15-16.
1885. Scudder. Zittel, Handb. palaeont., i, th. ii : 729. Fig. 827 a-c onjj. 728.
1886. " Zittel-Barrois, Traits de pal6ont., ii : 728. Fig. 914 a-c on p. 727
1886. " Bull. U. S. geol. surv., No. 31: 16.
1887. Woodward. Geol. mag., (3), iv: 2. Fig. 3. 1889. Lesley. Diet. foss. Penns., i: 1, i. Figs.
1889. Miller. N. A. geol. and pal., 572. Fig. 1067.
1890. Scudder. Mem. Bost. soc. nat. hist., iv : 424.
1890. '• Foss. ins. N. A., i: 202-208,400. PI. 7a, 8, figs. 1-4, 6-8, 10,11;
fig. 5 on J). 203. See also Euphoberia major.
4. Amynilyspes wortheni. (EuphoberidaB.) Locality : Mazon Creek, 111. Horizon : Carboniferous.
1882. Scudder. Mem. Bost. soc. nat. hist., iii : 178. PI. IS, figs. 1-4, 9.
1883. Lacoe. List pal. foss. ins., 16.
1885. Scudder. Zittel, Handb. palaeont., i, th. 11: 729. Fig. 899.
1886. " Zittel-Barrois, Trait6 de pal6ont., ii : 728. Fig. 916.
1886. Scudder. Bull. U. S. geol. snrv., No. 31 : 16.
1889. Lesley. Diet. foss. Peuns., i : 25, v. Fig.
1889. Miller. N. A. geol. and pal., 572. Fig. 1068.
1890. Scudder. Fcss. ins. N. A., i : 230. PI. 10, figs. 1-4, 9.
5. Anthracerpes typus. Locality : Mazon Creek, 111. Horizon : Carboniferous.
1865. Meek- Worth. Proc. acad. nat. so. Philad..l865: 51.
1866. " Worth., Geol. surv. 111., ii: 409-410. PI. 32, figs. I, la.
1882. Scudder. Mem. Bost. soc. nat. hist.jiii: 180.
1883. Lacoe. List pal. foss. ins., 16. 1889. Lesley. Diet. foss. Penns.,i,p. v.
1889. Miller. N. A. geol. and pal., 572.
1890. Scudder. Foss. ins. N. A., i: 232.
6. Archidesmus macnicoli. (Archidesmidse.) Locality : Forfarshire, Scotland. Horizon : Lower Devonian. 1882. Peach. Proc. roy. phys. soc. Edinb., vii: 182-18G. PI. 2, fig. 2,2 a-d.
1882. " Foss. myr. Forfarsh., 5-9. PI, figs. 2, 2 a-d.
1885. Scudder. Zittel, Hand b. palaeont.,i,th.ii: 728. Fig. 896.
1886. " Zittel-Barrois, Traits depal6ont.,ii: 727. Fig. 913. 1886. " Bull. U. S. geol. surv., No. 31 : 15.
7. Archiulus . (2 sp.). ( Archiulidse. )
Locality : Joggins, Nova Scotia. Horizon : Carboniferous.
1883. Scudder. Phil, trans., 1882 : G49.
8. Archiulus . (Archiulidfe.)
Locality: Mazon Creek, 111. Horizon: Carboniferous. 1890. Scudder. Mem. Bost. soc. nat. hist., iv: 437. PI. 37, fig. 1.
1890. " Foss. ins. N. A., i: 413. PI. 29, fig. 1.
9. Archiulus (Julus) brassi. (Archiulidje.) Locality : Lehbach, Germany. Horizon : Lower Dyas.
1885. Scudder. Zittel, Handb. palaeont.,i,th, ii: 730. Fig. 901.
1886. " Zittel-Barrois, Traite de pal6ont.,ii: 729. Fig. 917. See also Julus brassi.
Archiulus dawsoni. See Xylobius dawsoni.
10. Archiulus glomeratus. (Archiulidiv.)
Locality : Mazon Creek, 111. Horizon : Carboniferous.
1890. Scudder. Mem.- Bost. soc. nat. hist., iv : 436-437. PI. 37, figs. 2, 3.
1890. " Foss. ins. N. A., i : 412-413. PI. 29, figs. 2, 3.
11. Archiulus xylobioides. (Archiulidai.) Locality : Joggins, Nova Scotia. Horizon : Carboniferous.
1868. Scudder. Dawson, Acad, geol., 2d ed., 496.
1869 " Quart, journ. geol. soc. Loud., XXV : 441 (undescr.).
1873 . " Mem. Bost. soc. nat. hist., ii : 236-238.
1878. " Suppl. note foss. Myr., 1. Figs. 5-7.
1878. " Mem. Bost. soc. nat. hist., ii: 561-562. Figs. ^7.
1878. Dawson. Acad. geoL.suppl. 2d ed.,56. Fig. 11 e-g.
1880. " Chaiu of life, 145. Fig. 126 b.
1883. Lacoe. List pal. fosa. ius., 16-17.
1889. Lesley. Diet. foss. Penus., i,p. vii.
1889. Miller. N. A. geol. and pal.,57.3. i^i^. 1069.
1890. Scudder. Foss. ins. N. A.,i: 26-28, 31-32. Figs. 5-7.
12. Arthropleurion inermis.
Locality : Saarbriick, Germany. Horizon : Carboniferous. 1877. Goldenberg. Fauna saraep. foss., ii : 48-49 (Athropleurion). PI. fig. 2, 30. 1882. Scudder. Mem. Bost.soc.nat. hist., iii: 180.
1890. " Foss. ins. N. A., i: 232.
Athropleurion iuerxois. See Arthropleurion inermis.
13. Chonionotus lithanthracis. (Euphoberid:«.) Locality: Jiigersfreude, Germany. Horizon: Carboniferoas. 1854. Jordan. Palaeontogr.,iv: 12-13. PI. 2, fig. X
1867. Goldenberg. "Vorweltl. fauna steiuk. Saarbr., 21. 1873. " Faun, sarajp. foss., i : 21. PI. 1, fig. 19.
1882. Scudder. Mem. Bost. soc. uat. hist., iii : 180. PL \\,fig. 9.
1885. " Zittel, Haudb. palaeont., i, th. ii : 729 (lithanthraca).
1886. " Zittel-Barrois,Traitedepal6ont.,ii: 728. 1886. " Bull. U.S. geol. surv.. No. 31: 16.
1890. " Foss. ins. N. A., i: 232. PI. 8, fig. 9.
14. Eileticus aequalis. (Eoscolopendridae.) Locality : Mazon Creek, 111. Horizon : Carboniferous. 1890. Scudder. Mem. Bost. soc. nat. hist., iv : 421. PL 38, figs. 6-9.
1882. Scudder.
1883. Lacoe.
1885. Scudder.
1886. " 1886. "
1889. Miller.
1890. Scudder 1890. "
Foss. ins. N. A., i : 397. PL 30, figs. 6-9.
15. Eileticus anthraciuus. (Eoscolopendridae.)
Locality : Mazon Creek, 111. Horizon : Carboniferous.
Mem. Bost. soc. uat. hist. , iii : 179. PL 13, figs. 5, 6.
List pal. foss. ins., 17.
Zittel, Handb. palaeont., i, th. ii : 729.
Zittel-Barrois, Trait6 de pal6ont., ii : 728.
Bull.U. S.geol.8urv.,No. 31: 16.
N. A. geol. and pal., 573.
Mem. Bost. soc. nat. hist., iv : 420-421. PL 38, fig. 5.
Foss. ins. N. A. , i : 231, 396-397. PL 10, figs. 5, 6 ; PL 30, fig. 5.
16. Eojulus fragilis. (Archiulidae ?) Locality: Rakonitz, Bohemia. Horizon: Carboniferous. 1885. Kusta. Neue foss. arthrop. Rakonitz, 4-5. Fig.
Sitzungsb. k. bohm. gesellsch. ■wi8s.,1885: 593-594.
17. Euphoberia
Locality : Mazon Creek, 111.
1890. Scudder. Mem. Bost. soc. uat. hist., iv : 435,
1890. " Foss. ins. N. A., i: 411.
(Euphoberidae.) Horizon : Carboniferous.
[HULL. 71.
18. Euphoberia anguilla. (Euphoberidae,) Locality : Mazon Creek, 111. Horizon : Carboniferous.
1882. Scudder. Mem. Bost. soc. nat. hist., iii: 177. PL 12, fig. 20.
1883. Lacoe. List pal. foss. ins., 17.
1889. Lesley. Diet. foss. Penns., i, p. xxiii.
1889. Miller. N. A. geol. and pal., 573.
1890. Scudder. Mem. Bost. soc. nat. hist., iv : 426, 435-436. PI. 36, fig. 3. 1890. " Foss. ins. N. A., i : 229, 402, 411-412. PI. 9, fig. 20 ; PI. 28, fig. 3.
19. Euphoberia armigera. (Euphoberidae.) Locality : Mazon Creek, 111. Horizon : Carboniferous.
1868. Meek-Worth. Amer. journ. sc. arts, (2), xlvi : 25-27. 1868. " Worth., Geol. surv. 111., iii: 556-558. Figs. A-D.
1876. Roemer. Lethaea geogn. (Euphorberia). PI. 47, fig, 19.
1879. Nicholson. Manual palseont., 2d ed., i : 404. Fig. 255.
1882. Scudder. Mem. Bost. soc. nat. hist., iii: 160-167. PI. 12, figs. 1-3, 5,6, 13;
PI. 13, figs. 7, 8, 10 ; figs. 6, 7 on p. 161.
1883. Lacoe. List pal. foss. ins., 17.
1885. Scudder. Zittel, Handb. palaeont., i, th. ii : 729. Fig. 898.
1886. " Zittel-Barrois, Traits depal^ont., ii: 728. Fig. 9U). 1889. Nicholson. Man. palaeont., 3d ed., i : 584. Fig. 439.
1889. Miller. N. A. geol. and pal., 573. Figs. 1070, 1071 (not 1072).
1890. Scudder. Mem. Bost. soc. nat. hist., iv : 426, 427. PL 34, figs. 2, 4, 8 ; PL 35,
fig. 3. 1890. " Foss. ins. N. A., i : 212-219, 402, 403. PL 9, figs. 1-3, 5, 6, 13 ; PL
10, figs. 7, 8, 10 ; PL 26, figs 2, 4, 8 ; PL 27, fig. 3 ; figs. 6, 7 on p. 213.
20. Euphoberia bro^wrnii. (Euphoberidae.) Locality : Kilmaurs, Scotland. Horizon : Carboniferous.
1871. Woodward. Geol. mag., viii: 102-104. PL 3, fig. 6 a-c.
1882. Scudder. Mem. Bost. soc. nat. hist., iii: 167-168. PL 12, figs. 7, 8, 21.
1890. " Foss. ins. N. A., i : 219-220. PL 9, figs. 7. 8, 21.
21. Euphoberia carri. (Euphoberidae.) Locality : Mazon Creek, 111. Horizon : Carboniferous.
1882. Scudder. Mem. Bost. soc. nat. hist., iii : 171-174. PL 12, figs. 4, 9-12, 14-
19 ; PL 13, figs. 16-18.
1883. Lacoe. List pal. foss. ins., 18.
1889. Lesley. Diet. foss. Penns., i, p. xxiv. '
1889. Miller. N. A. geol. and pal., 573.
1890. Scudder. Mem. Bost. soc. nat. hist., iv: 426,429.
1890. " Foss. ins. N. A., i : 223-226, 402, 405. PL 9, figs 4, 9-12, 14-19; PL
10, figs. 16-18.
22. Euphoberia cuspidata. (Euphoberidae.) Locality : Mazon Creek, 111. Horizon : Carboniferous. 1890. Scudder. Mem. Bost. soc. nat. hist., iv : 426,429-430. PL 34, figs. 3, 7.
1890. " Foss. ins. N. A., i : 402,405-406. PL 26, figs. 3, 7.
23. Euphoberia ferox. (Euphoberidae.)
Localities: Tipton, N. Straffordshire, Coalbrookdale, Sedgley, Grassington, Coseley,
Yorkshire, England. Horizon : Carboniferous.
1845. Brodie. Foss. ins. sec. rocks Engl., 105, 115 ("caterpillar")- -P'- 1. fi9- H-
1845. Westwood. Brodie, Foss. ins. sec. rocks Engl., xvii-xviii ("caterpillar").
1868. Meek- Worth. Amer. journ. sc. arts, (2), xlvi: 26-27.
1873. Woodward. Geol. ma«,'., x: 109-112. Figs. 8, 10.
1873. " Brit. toss, arthr., 6-9. Figs. 8, 10.
1882. Scudder. Mem. Bost. soc. nat. hist., iii: 1.57-158. PI. 12, fig. 23.
1887. Woodward. Geol. niajj., (3), iv : 6-10. Fl. I, figs. 1-13; figs. 1-3 in text.
1887. " Geol. mag., (3), iv: 116-117. Figs. 1,2 iu text.
1890. Scudder. Foss. ins. N. A., i : 209-210. PI. 9, fig. 23. See also Acautherpestes brodiei, Eurypterus ferox.
24. Euphoberia flabellata. (Euphoberidse.)
Locality: Mazon Creek, 111. Horizon: Carboniferous.
1882. Scudder. Mem. Bost. soc. nat. hist., iii: 174-177. PI. n,fig. 15.
1883. Lacoe. List pal. foss. Ins., 18.
1889. Miller. N. A. geol. and pal., 573.
1890. Scudder Mem. Bost. soc. nat. hist., iv : 426.
1890. " Foss. ins. N. A., i: 226-229,402. PI. 10, fig. 15.
25. Euphoberia grauosa. (Euphoberidfe.) Locality : Mazon Creek, 111. Horizon : Carboniferous.
1882. Scudder. ' Mem. Bost. soc. nat. hist., iii: 168-170. PL 12, ^jfs. 22, 24-26;
PL 13, fig. 13 ; fig. 8 in text.
1883. Lacoe. List pal. foss. Ins., 18.
1889. Lesley. Diet. foss. Penns., i, p. xxiv.
1889. Miller. N. A. geol. and pal., 573. Fig. 1072.
1890. Scudder. Mem. Bost. soc. nat. hist., iv : 426, 427-428. PI. 34, figs. 5, 6 ; PL
36, fig. 2. 1890. " Foss. ins. N. A., i: 220-222, 402, 403-404, PL 9, figs. 22, 24-26;
PL 10, fig. 13; PL 26, figs. 5, 6; PL 28, fig. 2; fig. 8 on p. 220.
26. Euphoberia horrida. (Euphoberidaj.) Locality : Mazon Creek, 111. Horizon : Carboniferous.
1882. Scudder. Mem. Bost. soc. nat. hist., iii: 158-160. PL 13, figs. 11, 12, 14.
1883. Lacoe. List pal. foss. ins., 18. 1889. Lesley. Diet. foss. Penns., i, p. xxiv.
1889. Miller. N. A. geol. and pal., 573.
1890. Scudder. Mem. Bost. soc. nat. hist., iv: 426.
1890. " Foss. ins. N. A., i : 210-212, 402. PL 10, figs. 11, 12, 14.
27. Euphoberia hystricosa. (EuphoberidHe.) Locality : Mazon Creek, 111. Horizon : Carboniferous. 1890. Scudder. Mem. Bost. soc. nat. hist., iv: 426. PL 33, figs. 1, 3.
1890. " Foss. ins. N. A., i: 402. PL 2b, figs. 1, 3.
28. Euphoberia major. (Euphoberidas.) Locality: Mazon Creek, 111. Horizon: Carboniferous. 1868. Meek- Worth. Amer. journ. sc. arts, (2), xlvi: 25-27. 1868. " Worth., Geol. surv. 111., iii : 5.58-559. Fig.
1872? Woodward. Monogr. Merost., 172. Fig. 1873. " Geol. mag., x: iii. Fig. 11.
See also Acautherpestes major.
29. Euphoberia simplex. (Euphoberida\) Locality : Mazon Creek, 111. Horizon : Carboniferous. 1890. Scudder. Mem. Bost. soc, nat. hist., iv: 426, 432-43^. PL 3o,figs. 2, 6, 7.
1890. " Foss. ins. N. A., i : 402,408-409, I'l 211, figs. 2, 6, 7,
30. Euphoberia spinulosa. (Euphoberidae.) Locality : Mazon Creek, 111. Horizon : Carboniferous.
1890. Scudder. Mem. Bost. soc. nat. hist., iv : 426, 430-432. PI. 34, fig. 1 ; ri.
35, figs. 1, 4, 5; PI. 36, figs. 7, 8. 1890. " Foss. ins. N. A., i : 402, 406-408. PI. 26, fig. 1 ; PI. 27, figs. 1, 4,
5; PI. 28, figs. 7,8,
31. Euphoberia tracta. (Euphoberidae.) Locality : Mazon Creek, 111. Horizon : Carboniferous. 1890. Scudder. Mem. Bost. soc. nat. hist., iv: 426,433-435. PI. 36, figs. 1,4-6.
1890. " Foss. ins. N. A., i : 402, 409-411. PI. 28, figs. 1, 4-6.
Euphorberia armigera. See Euphoberia armigera.
32. Eurypterus ferox. (Euphoberidae,)
Locality: Tipton, N. Staffordshire, England. Horizon: Carboniferous, 1863. Salter. Quart, journ. geol. soc. Lond., xix: 86-87. Fig, 8 onj). 84.
See also Euphoberia ferox, Acantherpestes brodiei.
33. Eyodes divisa. (Eoscolopendridae.) Locality : Mazon Creek, 111. Horizon : Carboniferous.
1890. Scudder. Mem. Bost. soc. nat. hist., iv : 422-423. PI. 38, fig. 1.
1890. " Foss. ins. N. A., i : 398-399. PI. 30, fig. 1.
34. Ilyodes elongata. (Eoscolopendridae,) Locality : Mazon Creek, III. Horizon : Carboniferous. 1890, Scudder. Mem. Bost. soc. nat. hist., iv: 423. PI. 38, fig. 2.
1890. " Foss. ins. N. A., i : 399. PI. 30, fig. 2.
35. Julus brassi. (Archiulidaef)
Locality: Lehbach, Germany. Horizon: Lower Dyas.
1868. Dohm. Verhandl. naturh. ver. preuss. Rheinl., (3), v : 335-336. PI. 6,
fig. 2 a-i. 1877. Goldenberg, Fauna saraep, foss., ii: 33, 51. 1882. Scudder. Mem. Bost. soc. nat. hist., iii: 148.
1885. '* Zittel, Handb. palaeont., i, th. ii : 730.
1886. " Zittel-Barrois, Traits de pal6ont., ii : 729. 1886. " Bull. U. S. geol. surv., No. 31 : 17.
1890. " Foss. ins. N. A., i: 200.
See also Archiulus (Julus) brassi.
36. Julus constans. (Archiulidaef) Locality : Nyfan, Bohemia. Horizon : Permian. 1879. Fritsch. Fauna d. gaskohle Bohmens, i : 31.
37. Julus costulatus. (Archiulidaef) Locality : Nyfan, Bohemia. Horizon : Permian. 1879. Fritsch. Fauna d. gaskohle Bohmens, i : 31.
38. Julus pictus. (Archiulidae ?) Localities: Kounovii, Zabof, Bohemia. Horizon: Permian. 1879. Fritsch. Fauna d. gaskohle Bohmens, i : 31.
39. Kampecaris forfarensis. (Archidesmidae.)
Locality : Forfarshire, Scotland. Horizon : Lower Devonian. Page. Adv. text book geol., 135 (genus only). Fig. 4.
[ISnS. Salt. -Woodw. Chart foss. Crust.]
1882. Peach.
1882. "
1885. Scudder,
1886. " 1886. "
Proc. roy. phys. soc. Edinb., -^ii : 179-182. PI. 2, figs. 1, la-/. Foss. niyr. Forfarsh., 3-5. PI., figs. 1, 1 a-f. Zittol, Handb. palaeout., i, th. ii : 728. Zittel-Barrois, Traits, de paldont., ii : 727. Bull. U. S. geol. surv., No. 31 : 15.
1865. |
Meek-Woi |
1866. |
(I |
1868. |
(( |
1868. |
Scudder. |
1882. |
u |
1883. |
Lacoe. |
1884. |
Scudder. |
1885. |
i( |
1886. |
<( |
1886. |
u |
1889. |
Miller. |
1889. |
Nicholson |
1890. |
Lesley. |
1890. |
Scudder. |
40. Latzelia primordialis. (Gerascutigoridai.) Locality : Slazou Creek, 111. Horizon : Carboniferous. 1690. Scudder. Mem. Post. soc. nat. hist., iv : 419. PI. 38, fig. 3.
1890. " Foss.ins.N.A.,i: 395. PI. W, fig. 2.
41. Palaeocampa anthrax. (Protosygnatha.) ^ Locality : Morris, 111. Horizon : Carboniferous. Meek- Worth. Proc. acad. nat. sc. Philad., 1865: 52.
Worth., Geol. surv. 111., ii : 410-411. PL 32, fig. 3.
Worth., Geol. surv. 111., iii : 565.
Geol. mag., v: 218.
Amer. jour, sc, (3), xxiv : 161-170.
List jial. foss. ins., 18-19.
Mem. Post. soc. nat. hist., iii : 283-291, 293-297. PI. 26, figs. 1-9.
Zittel, Handb. palaeout., i, th. ii : 726. Fig. 894a&.
Zittel-Barrois, Traits de paldont., ii : 725. Fig. 911a6.
Bull. U. S. geol. surv., No. 31 : 14.
N. A. geol. and pal., 573.
Man. palseont., 3d ed., i : 583. Fig. 438.
Diet. foss. Penns., ii : 579. Fig.
Foss. ins. N. A., i : 247-255, 357-260. PL 12, figs. 1-9.
42. Palaeojulus dyadicus. Locality : Chemnitz, Saxony. Horizon : Dyas.
Sitznngab. naturw. gesellsch. Isis, 1872: 128-131. PI, l,figs. 4-7. Fauna saraep. foss., ii: 34, 51. Neues jahrb, miu., 1878: 729-731 (Cyclopteris). Neuesjahrb. miu., 1878: 733.
Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. gesellsch., xxx: 417-426. PI. 19, figs. 1-11. Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. gesellsch., xxxii : 1-2. Zittel, Handb. palaeont., i, th. ii: 730. Zittel-Barrois, Traitd de paldont., ii: 729. Bull. U. S. geol. surv.. No. 31 : 17. [Not a Myriapod. J
43. Palenarthrus impressiis. (Eoscolopendridse.) Locality: Mazon Creek, 111. Horizon: Carboniferous. 1890. Scudder. Mem. Post. soc. nat. hist., iv : 422. PI. 2S,fig. 4.
1890. " Foss. ins. N. A., i: 398. PI. 30, fig. A.
44. Trichiulus ammonitiformis. Locality : Mazon Creek, 111. Horizon : Carboniferous. 1883. Scudder. MSS.
1883. Lacoe. List pal. foss. ins., 19.
1872. |
Geinitz. |
1877. |
Goldenberg. |
1878. |
Sterzel. |
1878. |
Geinitz. |
1878. |
Sterzel. |
1880. |
" |
1885. |
Scudder. |
1886. |
<( |
1886. |
(> |
[HULL. 71.
1884. Scudder, Mem. Boat. soc. nat. hist., iii : 292-293. PI. "27,^3. 4.
1886. " Mem. Bost. soc. nat. hist., iii : 438 (fern).
1889. Miller. N. A. geol. and pal., 573.
1890. Scudder. Foss. ins. N. A., i : 25&-257, 330. PI. 13, fig. 4.
[Not a Myri^pod.]
45. Trichiulus nodulosus. Locality : Mazon Creek, 111. Horizon : Carboniferous.
1883. Scudder.
1883. Lacoe.
1884. Scudder. 1886. *'
1889. Miller.
1890. Scudder.
List pal. foss. ins., 19,
Mem. Bost. soc. nat. hist., iii : 292. PI. ^,fig8. 1, 3. Mem. Bost. soc. nat. hist., iii : 438 (fern). N. A. geol. and pal., 573.
Foss. ins. N. A., i: 256, 330. PI. U,fig8. 1, 3. [Not a Myriapod. ]
46. Trichiulus villosus.
Locality : Mazon Creek, 111. Horizon : Carboniferous.
1883. Scudder. MSS.
1883. Lacoe. List pal. foss. Ins., 19.
1884. Scudder. Mem. Bost. soc. nat. hist., iii : 291-292. PI. 27, fig. 2.
1885. " Zittel, Handb. palaeont., i, th. ii : 729. Fig. 900.
1889. Miller. N. A. geol. and pal., 574.
1890. Scudder. Foss. ins. N. A., i : 255-256, 330 (fern). PI. 13, fig. 2.
[Not a Myriapod.]
47. Xylobius dawsoni. (Archiulidse.)
Locality : Joggins, Nava Scotia. Horizon : Carboniferous.
1868. Scudder. Dawson, Acad, geol., 2d ed., 496.
1869. " Quart.journ. geol. soc. Lond., XXV : 441 (undescr.). ' l873. " Mem. Bost. soc. nat. hist., ii : 235-236.
1878. " Mem. Bost. soc. nat. hist., ii: 561. Fig. A.
1878. " Suppl. note foss. Myr., 1. Fig. A.
1878. Dawson. Acad, geol., suppl. 2d ed., 56 (Archiulus). Fig. lid.
1883. Lacoe. List pal. foss. ins., 19.
1869. Miller. N. A. geol. and pal., 574.
1890. Scudder. Foss.ins.N. A., i: 25-26, 31. Fig. i.
Xylobius farctus. See Xylobius fractns. 48. Xylobius fractus. (Archiuhdse.)
Locality : Joggins, Nova Scotia. Horizon : Carboniferous. Dawson, Acad, geol., 2d ed., 496. Quart, journ. geol. soc. Lond., xxv : 441 (undescr.). Mem. Bost. soc. nat. hist., ii : 234-235. Mem. Bost. soc. nat. hist., ii : 561. Fig. 3. Suppl. note foss. Myr., 1. Fig. 3. Acad, geol., suppl. 2d ed., 56 (farctus). Fig. lie. Chain of life, 145 (farctus). Fig. 126c. Mem. Bost. soc. nat. hist., iii : 148. List pal. foss. ins., 19. N. A. geol. and pal., 574. Foss, ins. N. A., i : 24-25, 31, 200. Fig. 3 on p. 31.
1868. |
Scudder. |
1869. |
11 |
1873. |
<( |
1878. |
i{ |
1878. |
i< |
1878. |
Dawson. |
1880. |
(< |
1882. |
Scudder. |
1883. |
Lacoe. |
1889. |
Miller. |
1890. |
Scudder. |
1885. |
Scndder. |
1886. |
ii |
1889. |
Miller. |
1890. |
Scudder. |
1890. |
it |
49. Xylobius frustuleutus. (Archiulidse.)
Locality : Mazon Creek, 111. Horizon : Carboniferous. 1890. Scudder. Mem. Best. soc. nat. hist., iv : 438-439. PI. 37, figs. 4-6.
1890. " Fo88. ins. N. A., i : 414-415. PI. 29, fig8. i-6.
Xylobius mazonius. See Xylobius mazonus.
50. Xylobius mazonus. (Archiulidai.)
Locality: Mazon Creek, III. Horizon: Carboniferous. Zittel, Handb. palaeont., i, th. ii : 730. Firj. 902b. Zittel-Barrois, Traito de pal^ont., ii : 729. Fig. 9186. N. A. geol. and pal., .574 (mazonius). Mem. Bost. soc. nat. hist., iv : 439-440. PI. '.i7,fig8. 7-11. Foss. ins. N. A., i : 415-416. PI. 29, Jigs. 7-11.
51. Xylobius sigillariae. (Archiulidae.)
Localities: Joggins, N. S., Bradley, Cooper's Bridge, Huddersfield, England; Kil- maurs, near Glasgow, Scotland. Horizon : Carboniferous. 1859, Dawson. Quart.journ. geol. soc. Lond., xvi : 271-273. Figs.i-9.
1863. " Can. nat. and geol., viii : 280, PI. 6, figs. 57-61.
1865. Lyell. Elem, geol., 6th ed., 509. Fig. 562 a-c.
1867. Woodward. Trans, geol. soc. Glasg., ii : 234-237. PI. 3, figs. 11-13, llo=13a. 1867. Binney. Proc. lit. phil. soc. Manch., vi : 59.
1867. " Geol. mag., iv: 132.
1868. Scudder. Geol. mag., v: 216.
1868. " Amer. nat., i : 630. PL 16, fig. i.
1868. " Dawson, Acad, geol., 2d ed., 495-496.
1869. " Quart, journ. geol. soc. Lond., XXV : 441.
1872. Packard. Guide ins., 3d ed., 78. PI. l,fig. 4.
1873. Scudder. Mem. Bost. soc. nat. hist., ii : 233-233. 1877. Goldenberg. Fauna sanep. foss., ii : 34.
1877. Nicholson. Life-hist. earth, 182. Fig. 124 a-c.
1878. Scudder. Mem. Bost. soc. nat. hist., ii : 561. Fig. 1. 1878. " Suppl. note foss. Myr., 1. Fig. 1.
1878. Dawson. Acad, geol., suppl. 2d ed., 56. Fig. 11a.
1879. Nicholson. Man. palteont., 2d ed., i: 403. Fig. 254.
1880. Dawson. Chain of life, 145. Fig. 126a.
1882. Scudder. Mem, Bost, soc, nat, hist,, iii : 148,
1883, Lacoe. List pal, foss. ins., 19-20.
1885, Scudder. Zittel, Handb, palaeont,, i, th, ii : 730, Fig. 902a,
1886. " Zittel-Barrois, Traitd de pal6ont., ii : 729. Fig. 918o. 1889. Miller. N. A. geol. and pal., 574, Figs. 1073, 1073a,
1889, Nicholson, Man, palaeont., 3ded., i : 585, Fig. 440.
1890, Scudder. Foss. ins. N. A., i : 22-23, 31, 200. Fig. 1 on p. 31. See also X. woodwardii.
52. Xylobius similis. (ArchiulidaB.)
Locality : Joggins, N. S, Horizon : Carboniferous. Dawson, Acad, geol., 2d ed., 496. Quart.journ. geol. soc. Lond,,xxv: 441 (undescr,). Mem. Bost, soc, nat, hist,, ii : 233-234, Mem. Bost. soc. nat. hist,, ii: 561. Fig. 2. Suppl. note foss. Myr,, 1, Fig. 2. Bull. 71 2
1868. |
Scudder. |
1869. |
ii |
1873. |
K |
1878. 1878. |
<< |
[BULL. 71.
1878. Dawson. Acad, geol., suppl. 2d ed., 56. Fig. lib.
1883. Lacoe. List pal. foss. ins., 20. .
1889. Miller. N. A. geol. and pal., 574.
1890. Scudder. Foss. ins. N. A., i : 23-24, 31. Fig. 2.
53. Xylobius •wood'wardii. (Arcliinlidae.) Locality : Kilmaurs, Huddersfield, England. Horizon : Carboniferous. 1869. Scudder. Quart, journ. geol. soc. Lond., xxv : 441 (undeacr.).
1873. " Mem. Bost. soc. nat. hist., ii : 238-239.
1882. " Mem. Bost. eoc. nat. hist., iii: 148.
1890. " Foss. ins. N. A., i : 28-29, 200.
See also X. sigillarise.
1886. Kliver.
1852. Keuss.
Locality: Wettin, Germany. Horizon: Carboniferous. Palaeontogr.. xxxii : 112-113. PI. 14, fgs. 14, 14 a-b.
55. — ' .
Locality : Bohemia. Horizon : Carboniferous. Geogn. verhaltn. Bohmens, 59.
. (Anthracomarti.)
Locality: Steinbachthal, Saarbrtick, Germany. Horizon: Carboniferoue.
1886. Kliver. 1886. Karsch.
1889. Nicholson.
Palaeontogr. xxxii : 110-112. PI. U,fig. 11. Palaeontogr. xxxii : 111-112.
Locality f
Horizon : Carboniferous. Man. paliBont., 3d ed., i : 573. Fig. 430 c-d.
(PaljBophonoidae. )
Locality : Lesmahagow, Scotland. Horizon : Upper Silurian. 1885. Peaoh. Nature, xxxi: 297 (scorpion). Fig. 2. See also Palaeophonus , Palaeophonus caledonicus.
Horizon : Carboniferous.
Locality: Chomle, Bohemia.
1837. Buckland. Geol. and mineral.. ii: 79. P^ 46", ^17. 13.
1838. " G6ologie,€d.Aga8siz, ii: expl.pl.46",p.6. PI. W, fig. 13.
60. . (Scorpiones.)
1882. Peach.
1883. Scudder.
Locality : Scotland. Horizon : Carboniferous.
Trans, roy. soc.Edinb., xxx : 406-407. PI. 22, figs. 4-6; PI. 23, figs. 13-15, 17-21.
Locality : Joggins, N. S. Phil, trans., 1882: 650.
-. (Scorpiones.) Horizon : Carboniferous.
62. Anthracomartus . (Architarboida;.)
Locality: Petrovic uear Rakouitz, Bohemia. Horizou : Carboniferous.
1888. Kusta. Vestn.kriil. cesko spolecn. nank, 18S8: 199.
63. Anthracomartus affiuis. (Architarboidaj.)
Locality : Eakonitz, Bohemia. Horizon : Carboniferous. 18S5. Kusta. Sitzunysb. bohm. gesellsch. wiss., 1884: 399-400. PI., fig. 2.
188o. " Neuo arachuiden, 4-5. PL, fig. 2.
64. Anthracomartus carbonis. (Architarboidas.) Locality: Mons, Belgium. Horizon: Carboniferous.
1885. Scudder. Comptes read. soc. ent. Belg., (3), Ixii : 84-85.
1885. " Authr. carb.,1-2.
See also Brachypyge carbonis.
Anthracomartus hageni. See Termes hageni, etc.
65. Anthracomartus krejcii. (Architarboida3.) Locality : Rakonitz, Bohemia. Horizon : Carboniferous.
1883. Kusta. Sitzungsb. bohm.gesellsch. wiss., 1883: 340-345. PL, figs. 1-3.
1883. " Anthracomartus krejiii, 3-7, PL, figs. 1-2.
1884. Scudder. Proc. Amer. acad. arts sc, xx: 17. See also A. minor.
66. Anthracomartus minor. (ArchitarboidaB.) Locality: Rakouitz, Bohemia. Horizou: Carboniferous.
1884. Kadta. Sitzungsb. bohm. gesellsch. wiss., 1884: 191.
1884. " Thelyphonns bohemicus, 7 (name ouly).
1884. " Sitzungsb. bohm. gesellsch. wiss., 1884: 398-399. PL, fig. 1.
1885. " Neue arachniden, 3-4. PL, fig. 1.
1885. " Neue foss. arthrop. Rak., 6 (printed krejcii but corrected in MSS.
to minor). See also A. krejcii.
67. Anthracomartus pustulatus. (Architarboidae.) Locality : Mazon Creek, 111. Horizon : Carboniferous.
1884. Scudder. Proc. Amer. acad. arts sc, xx: 18.
1889. Lesley. Diet. foss. Penn., i, p. v.
1889. Miller. N. A. geol. and pal., 570.
1890. Scudder. Mem. Bost. soc. nat. hist., iv : 452-453. PL AO, figs. 5,8. 1890. " Foss. ins. N. A. , i : 428-429. PL 32, figs. 5, 8.
68. Anthracomartus socius. (ArchitarboidaB.)
Locality: Rakonitz, Bohemia. Horizon: Carboniferous. 1888. Kusta. Vestn. krdl. ceske spole6n. nauk, 1888 : 198-199, 204-205. PL
fig. 4-
69. Anthracomartus trilobitus. (Architarboidae.) Locality : Fayetteville, Ark. Horizon : Carboniferous.
1884. Scudder. Proc. Amer. acad. arts sc. , xx : 17-18.
1885. " Comptes rend. soc. ent. Belg., (3), Ixii: 85. Fig. on p. 84. 1885. " Anthr. carbonis, 2. Fig. on 2>.l.
[BULL. 71.
1886. Harvey. Proc. acad.nat.sc. Philad., 1886: 231-232.
1889. Lesley. Diet. foss. Penns., i, p. v.
1889. Miller. N. A. geol. and pal., 570.
1890. Scudder. Mem. Boat, soc.nat. hist., iv : 451-452. PI. ti9, figs. 7-10. 1890. *' Foss.ins.N. A., i: 427-428. PI. il, figs. 7-10.
70. Anthracomartus volkelianus. (Arcbltarboid£e.) Locality: Nearode, ScLlesien. Horizon: Carboniferons.
Zeitschr. deutscb. geol. gesellscb., 1882: 556-558,560,561. Pl.21,
figs. 1,2. Proc. Ainer. acad. arts sc, xx: 17. Zittel, Handb. palaeont., i, tb. ii: 736. Fig. 911. Zittel-Barrois, Trait6 de pal6ont., ii : 735. Fig. 927.
71. Anthracoscorpio juvenis. (Eoscorpioidje.) Locality : Kakonitz, Bobemia. Horizou : Carboniferons.
1888. Kusta. V6stn. kr^l. ceske spolecn. nank, 1888: 202-203,206.
See also Cyclopbtbalmus senior, etc.
72. Aranea .
Locality : Coalbrookdale, England
1882. |
Earscb. |
1884. |
Scndder. |
1885. |
it |
1886. |
i( |
1834. Prestwicb.
Horizon : Carboniferous, Lond. Edinb. pbil.mag., iv : 376.
73. Architarbus elongatum. (Arcbitarboidae.) Locality : Mazon Creek, 111. Horizon : Carboniferous.
1890. Scudder. Mem. Boat. soc. nat. bist., iv : 449-450. PI. 40, fig. 4.
1890. " Foss. ins. N. A., i : 425-426. PI. 32, fig. 4.
74. Architarbus rotundatum. (Arcbitarboidae.) Locality : Mazon Creek, 111. Horizon : Carboniferous.
Wortb., Geol. surv. 111., iii : 568 (rotundatus). Fig. 4,
Geol. mag., ix : 386. PL 9, fig. 2.
Aracbn. coal meas., 2. PI. 9, fig. 2.
Zeitscbr. deutscb. geol. gesellscb., 1882: 560.
List pal. foss. ins., 20.
Proc. Amer. acad. arts sc, xx : 17.
Zittel, Handb. palaeont., i, tb. ii : 736. Fig. 910.
Zittel-Barrois, Trait6 de pal6ont., ii : 735. Fig. 926.
Bull. U. S. geol. surv., No. 31 : 24.
Diet. foss. Penns., i, p. vii.
N. A. geol. and pal., 570. Fig. 1064.
Mem. Bost. soc. nat. hist., iv : 449.
Foss. ins. N. A., i : 425.
75. Architarbus silesiacum. (Arcbitarboidse.) Locality : Glatz, Silesia. Horizon : Carboniferous.
1879. Roemer. Jabresb. scbles. gesellscb. vaterl. cult., Ivi : 54-55 (silesiacus).
1884. Scudder. Proc. Amer. acad. arts sc, xx: 17.
1885. " Zittel, Handb. palaeont., i, tb. ii : 736.
1886. " Zittel-Barrois, Traits de pal^ont., ii : 735. 1886. " Bull. U. S. geol. surv., No. 31 : 24.
1868. |
Scudder. |
1872. |
Woodward, |
1872. |
i( |
1882. |
Karscb. |
1883. |
Lacoe. |
1884. |
Scudder. |
1885. |
it |
1886. |
(( |
1886. |
<< |
1889. |
Lesley. |
1889. |
Miller. |
1890. |
Scudder. |
1890. |
.■( |
76. Architarbus aubovale. ( Arch itarboi dap.)
Localities: Burnley and Padihani, Lancashire, England. Horizon: Middle carbon- iferous. 1872. Woodward. Geol. mag., ix : 385-387 (subovalis). PI. 9, fig. lab. 1872. " Arachn. coal meas., 1-3. PI. 9, fig. lab.
1876. Roenier. Letha;a geogn. PL AT, fig. 2.
1877. Haughton. Journ. geol. soc. Ireland, n. s., iv : 222-223. 2fig$. 1879. Nicholson. Manual pal.'Rout., 2d ed., i: 401. Fig. 252JS.
1882. Karach. Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. gesellsch., 1882: 560.
1884. Scudder. Proc. Amer. acad. arts ec, xx : 17.
1885. " Zittel, Haudb. palaeont., 1, th. it: 736.
1886. " Zittel-Barrois, Traits de pal^ont., it: 735. 1886. " BuU. U. S. geol. surv.. No. 31 : 24.
1889. Nicholson. Man. palaeont., 3d ed., i: 576. Fig. 43,2b. See also Curculioides ansticii, Hevila austicii.
77. Arthrolycosa antiqua. Locality : Mazon Creek, 111. Horizon : CarboniferoaB.
1874. Harger. Am.journ.sc, (3), vii : 219-223. Fig.
1883. Lacoe. List pal. foss. ins., 20.
1884. Scudder. Proc. Amer. acad. arts sc, xx : 15.
1885. " Zittel, Haudb. palaeont., i, th. ii : 7.35. Fig. 909.
1886. " Zittel-Barrois, Traits de pal6ont., ii : 734. Fig. 925. 1886. " Bull. U. S. geol. surv.. No. 31 : 24.
1889. Beecher. Am. journ. sc, (3), xxxviii : 219-223. "ifigs.
1889. Lesley. Diet. foss. Penn., i: 37, vii. Fig.
1889. Miller. N. A. geol. and pal. Fig. 1065.
1890. McCook. Amer. spiders, 11 : 455-456. Figs. 381-382.
78. Brachypyge carbonis. (ArchitarboidsB.)
Locality : Mons, Belgium. Horizon : Carboniferous.
1878. Woodward. Geol. mag., (2;, v : 433-436. PI. 11. 1878. " Fossil crab coal-meas. Belg., 1-4. PI. 11. 1878. " Bull. acad. roy. Belg., (2), xlv: 410-415. PI.
See also Authracomartus carbonis.
79. Buthus carbonarius. (Eoscorpioidas.)
Locality : Mazon Creek, 111. Horizon : Carboniferous.
1868. Meek- Worth. Auj. journ. sc. arts, (2), xlvi: 22-24. See also Eoscorpins carbonarius.
Calotertnes hageni. See Termes (Calotermes) hageni.
80. Ceutromachus anglicus. (Eoscorpioidae.) Locality: Eugland. Horizon: Carboniferous. 1885. Thorell. K. svensk. vetensk. akad. handl., xxi, No. 9: 25.
See also Eoscorpius anglicus.
81. Ceutromachus euglyptus. (Eoscorpioidae. ) Locality : Scotland. Horizon : Carboniferous. 1885. Thorell. K. svensk. vetensk. akad. hand)., xxi, No. 9 : 21.
See also Eoscorpius euglyptus.
82. Centromachus glaber. (Eoscorpioidae.) Locality: Scotland. Horizou: Lower Carboniferous. 1885. Thorell. K. svensk. vetensk. akad. handl., xxi, No. 9: 2r>.